
bee pollen
Hashimotos, Natural Living, Plant based THM

Bee Pollen Benefits

Eating the best you can for your thyroid is the most effective way to supplement your thyroid and help regain your health in many ways.  Eating a Whole Foods diet and using superfoods and natural supplements can help you achieve this goal. Read more here about my journey with hashimotos   https://www.thm4life.com/2019/09/15/my-journey-with-hashimotos/ Another superfood to include in your […]

Selenium Foods
Breakfast, Dairy free, Dinner, Hashimotos, Lunch, Plant based THM, Snacks

Super-Selenium and 14 foods to help lower your thyroid antibodies!

Your thyroid has the highest concentration of selenium in your body . Selenium helps convert T4 into T3. If your missing selenium, your production of T3 will be low — causing TSH to rise and forcing your thyroid gland to produce more T4. Then you will have more free radicals damaging your thyroid gland, and since your selenium […]

Potatoe Nightshade
Hashimotos, Uncategorized

NIGHTSHADES and Inflammation

About nine years ago I had several tests run to figure out what was causing me to not feel myself . I was first diagnosed with Hypo thyroid . It seemed like they found the reason since I matched all of the symptoms , but after starting the protocol, I still wasn’t feeling myself. In […]

Hashimotos, Uncategorized

The Environment and Hashimotos

Research shows environmental factors being the primary cause of auto immune diseases.  Our bowl becomes filled with toxins, it then spills over causing symptoms and illness (auto immune ) like Hashimotos.   Its time to stop extra toxins from entering the bowl.  I know we can not be perfect at this, we are surrounded daily by […]

Breakfast, Dairy free, Hashimotos, Lunch, Preg/Nursing, Snacks, Uncategorized

5 SUPERFOOD Smoothies for your thyroid!

Morning Matcha THM-xo 1 cup banana slices, frozen 1 teaspoon matcha powder (here) 1 cup fresh spinach, packed 2 teaspoons flax seed 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk (or more if needed) Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Blueberry Pie THM-e 1 cup milk (I use almond milk) 1/4 cup frozen blueberries 1/2 […]

Hashimotos, Preg/Nursing, Uncategorized


“Healing Your Thyroid Naturally” The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the neck that makes hormones that regulate energy, metabolism, mood, heart rate and other important functions. When it’s out of whack, symptoms can include weight gain, fatigue, dry skin and hair, sluggish thinking and depression etc. Clean eating is essential […]