Being the “best you” Possible

Is anything holding you back? 

Fear of the unknown? 

Are you comfortable where you are? 

Have you programmed yourself to believe that you will fail anyways?

Why bother right?

  This thinking is normal, but to retain and remain in those thoughts prevent you from being the “best you”.  It robs you of living to the fullest.  

What if you never tried anything that you had never done before? Just because you were unsure of what the outcome would be? You never would have learned how to do much.  Life starts with the unknown. Babies learn to crawl, then walk, then talk..etc.. etc.. and if we are blessed, we continue to experience the unknown throughout our lives.

Its normal to fear the unknown when it comes to keeping us safe. But the fear of losing weight or trying a new protocol is not reasonable.  Weight gained from uncontrolled eating is NOT who you are.

To stop over eating, you have to step out of your comfort zone, which means you have to breakup with the thoughts of how you view yourself.  

Stepping out of your comfort zone requires confidence and  means being disciplined.   Its easier to stay in bad habits wondering if and when you will ever change.  Habits are so routine and we all have them.  We have good habits and bad habits. 


Eating a bowl of sugary cereal for breakfast is not a good habit.  You will not feel your “best you”, instead you will be tired a few hours later, maybe grumpy and hungry. 

A better habit would be to start using your crock pot to have overnight oatmeal.  This type of breakfast will keep you full, and keep your mood elevated because your body will source all of the oatmeal and in return you have energy and will feel the “best you”. 

Not drinking water regularly is not a good habit. First you may have headaches, mood swings, feel tired, have dry lips, or constipation. but continuing in the habit of not drinking enough water can cause dehydration to the point you cant lose weight, you can create a poor environment for pregnancy which and cause preterm, some people even get kidney stones and utis from not drinking enough water. 

A better habit would be to buy a water container you love that is portable that can go everywhere you do.  Refill it through the day and keep drinking. Eventually your body will balance out and you will stop running to the bathroom. Water helps deliver nutrients to our tissues, and helps remove toxins and waste. 

Watch your skin glow, your bowls will move and you will think more clearly. drinking enough water will boost your metabolism by three percent.  A simple way to lose weight! 🙂

You can’t go back in time and change the decisions you have made, but you can start a new journey to health being the “best you” the person you know you truly can be. 

Having confidence in yourself is key. 

But first things first. How you perceive yourself.  How do you talk about yourself?  How you represent yourself eventually becomes the reality of you. Low self esteem comes from belittling your worth. 

Learn to love your self again. Not in a narcissist type of way.  Healthy self love is about being your “best you” treating yourself with the same care you would someone else.  Tolerance, generosity, compassion.  Avoid obsessing over how other people see you.  Start trusting your own feelings, analyze your problem areas and start making positive decisions. Prove to yourself that you matter by having the confidence to make these changes.

Taking responsibility is recognizing that you are in control of your attitude, and your sense of worth.  choose to be the “best you” by making some of the following changes.

  • blocking negative thinking and replacing it with positive thinking. For example, if you think to yourself, “I will never lose this weight”, then change your thought to “I am going to reach my weight loss goals.”
  • set realistic goals for yourself, and make sure to reward yourself when you accomplish them.
  • break the habit of pleasing others.
  • meal plan and stay focused
  • drink water continually
  • exercise-even if its just a walk with the newborn, get fresh air and sun every day if possible.
  • take your supplements
  • break the sugar habit 
  • get more sleep (turn in early) you will get up earlier have a longer day and feel great!
  • value your time and efforts
  • smile and live in the present and value yourself regardless of how long your goals take

Get out of your comfort zone and start being the “best you” today.