
I’m Melissa- Happily Married, mom of 10! I am passionate about  whole foods eating and healing holistically. There are many opinions and views of what plant-based looks like, so I chose to go with whole foods eating, because my journey changes as time goes  .  Although I share a lot of vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian meals this is not a meat-free site.  .  My goal has and will always be to provide for my family a whole foods based diet, thriving from the earth of Yahwehs provisions. I have been educating myself for over 25 yrs in health and have gained a lot of knowledge on how to heal my body through foods and natural holistic supplementation.  My site is unique in the sense that it has multiple views of eating, although I have leaned more towards plant based eating the last few years, recently I have  benefited from eating animal products.  I will share recipes that are not considered vegan, vegetarian, etc.. but also will share a lot of vegetarian, vegan meals that may inspire you while following THM. 

At the time of building my website I was following a more vegetarian style eating plan, but have realized for me to lose and to heal post partum I am needing more protein and fats. I’ve been nursing and pregnant for a span of 16 years, so I have tailored my eating plan as I heal to my own personal needs.  This website is my own personal journey to share, so it can change from time to time, as I educated myself and listen to my body and the needs of my family.

 For the last 9 years I have been working to heal my thyroid from Hashimotos through food and natural supplements and have had success. 

I will be sharing more about my big family, pregnancy, tips on marriage and parenting, I’ll also share all the random things that I love – books, places, home and lifestyle/mama tips, and whatever else is inspiring me in the moment, but my main goal is to help you find all the resources you need to make food to nourish yourself and your family. To help you find budget friendly ways to make this plan happen and hopefully help you find ways to heal naturally. Thanks for visiting and Always remember to ..

Eat to Live