Dairy Free Gluten Free Egg Free Pizza

Allergen-free Pizza THM-S

Having a nightshade sensitivity stinks! I recreated a pizza I could enjoy that is dairy free, nightshade free that still taste good.  Its low carb, fits THM and I still could enjoy toppings. 

There are three parts to this pizza and they don’t come in a bag or a box so you will have to take the time to do it , getting the benefits of healing is rewarding, don’t give into temptation! 😉 To make this pizza easier, make a batch up of the “no matta sauce and some cashew cheese ahead of time.  I adapted the crust recipe from sweetashoney.

You can alter this how ever you want.  If I didn’t have a dairy sensitivity , I would make up the crust and the “no matta” sauce and use regular mozzarella and whatever toppings, but since I know there are others like me and for the sake of auto immune healing I used cashew cheese instead. 

Cashew Cheese


In a large bowl add the coconut flour, psyllium, seasonings, salt, oil, and water.  Mix first then with clean hands start kneading the dough for about a minute.  The dough will seem wet but will dry as you go and that is what your looking for.  Form all the dough pieces into a ball, if it very dry add a spoon of water until the dough holds together. Now let the dough rest at room temp for about 10 minutes.  The psyllium and coconut flour will absorb the rest of the moisture.

Now the dough can be rolled out, Place the dough ball onto a sprayed piece of parchment paper, use another piece of sprayed parchment paper to lay on top of the dough ball. The dough is now in between the parchment paper. Press the top parchment paper to flatten the dough ball and start rolling it out with your rolling pin on top of the parchment paper (important to use the parchment otherwise you will have a sticky mess.

Remove the parchment paper and cut or form into a circle.  Now pre-bake your crust on the parchment paper for 12-15 minutes.

Remove from the oven, spread on the “no matta” sauce, Dollop the cashew cheese and then swirl into the “no matta”, add toppings. Bake an additional 8-10 minutes to heat up cheese and sauce/toppings.


Dairy Free Gluten Free Egg Free Pizza