“Beans” Protein-Rich Superfoods

There are lots of easy ways to add beans to your meals and reap the healthy benefits of the lovely legume.

Protein comes from animal sources as well as plant sources.
In fact, every plant we eat has at least a little bit of protein in it, and some have a lot-like beans, also called legumes! Beans have some health benefits that animal sources don’t. Beans are high in minerals, but they shine in terms of fiber and water content. Our diets tend to be seriously skimpy when it comes to fiber. One cup of cooked beans, or (two-thirds of a can) provides 12 grams of fiber. Meat on the other hand does not. The difference in fiber content means that meat is digested fairly quickly, whereas beans are digested slowly, keeping you satisfied longer. Plus, beans are low in sugar, which prevents insulin in the bloodstream from spiking and causing hunger.

Beans are also budget friendly and versatile.

  • Eat them on sprouted bread/rice/sweet potatoes
  • Blend up some white bean mashies
  • Make a mock chicken salad with northern beans
  • Roast some garbanzo beans for a healthy snack
  • Tuck them into a on plan wrap
  • Add them to soups, salads, and pasta
  • Toss them into sautéed veggies or mix with cooked greens & garlic yum!
  • Make homemade hummus or bean dip to spread on sprouted bread or dip with on plan crackers and veggie sticks
  • And of coarse the yummy special agent brownie cake pg.382 THM first Book

Recipes from the Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook

wonder wrap pg.204-205

salad in a jar pg. 186-189

wicked white chili pg.37

cowboy grub pg.59

lentil soup pg.89

golden chana soup pg.99

pearl’s chili pg.101

bean boss soup pg. 109

taco salad pg.184

below I have a chart that shows the nutrition facts of several types of beans. The best way to consume beans would be to soak and sprout them first, but this is not always possible. If you buy canned beans remember to drain and rinse them to remove excess salt and try to look for BPA free cans. You can also search my posts for more recipes or head over to my Instagram for more inspiration.  

Enjoy Life,